Funding Opportunities
- Undergraduate Funding Opportunities
Resources to fund undergraduate research are available through many orgaizations and individual colleges on campus at MSU. Undergraduate
research assisstants are highly encouraged to explore these opportunities to help fund their projects.
- Honors College
- Lyman Briggs College
- Undergraduate Research Funding
- Clark Fund
- Undergraduate Travel Support (for conference participation)
- Miscellaneous
- Summer funding through the MSU library
- Research opportunities through specific colleges
- Funding for research and travel through national databases

- Undergraduate Funding Opportunities
Resources to fund undergraduate research are available through many orgaizations and individual colleges on campus at MSU. Undergraduate research assisstants are highly encouraged to explore these opportunities to help fund their projects.
- Honors College
- Lyman Briggs College
- Undergraduate Research Funding
- Clark Fund
- Undergraduate Travel Support (for conference participation)
- Miscellaneous
- Summer funding through the MSU library
- Research opportunities through specific colleges
- Funding for research and travel through national databases